Participatory Workshop on Ethics and Methods of Research with Young People in the Global South
Our workshop brought together senior and early-career researchers to discuss complexities around research ethics and methods working with young people in contexts of vulnerability and the Global South.
The day started with introductions followed by an insightful overview on ‘Ethics Questions in Research with Children and Young People’ delivered by Prof. Ginny Morrow, our ethical advisor on the research project. As an open, interactive and inclusive space, throughout the workshop, questions were raised and reflections shared of our own research experience. Often these were followed by collective deliberations and discussions.
After a delicious lunch break which formed a great opportunity for networking, we heard from our guest speaker, Dr. Afua Twum-Dansoh Imoh, who talked to us about conducting ‘Research with Children in Ghana: Ethical and Practical Considerations’. This was followed by a fruitful and engaging Q&A .
Overall, the workshop allowed us to deliberate on aspects such as culture and power, in particular imbalances in child-centred research in Ghana; the potentials and risks with ethical approval processed around talking to children; and our ethical role as researchers considering the generation and collection of data and the need to build meaningful relationships with our research participants.
We are looking forward to hosting our next public event in Sheffield soon!